We met at nine—
We met at eight,
I was on time—
No, you were late.
Ah, yes, I remember it well.
We dined with friends—
We dined alone,
A tenor sang—
A baritone.
Ah, yes, I remember it well.*
Which one are you in this song? Do you remember details of the past or just the broad strokes? Are you easily reminded of things long forgotten, or do you struggle to recall your history?
It’s time to tell our stories, and it’s not just because our memories are fading. Our stories are also a gift we can give to our children and grandchildren, our families and friends. Don’t you wish your grandparents and parents had told more of their stories before it was too late? If you somehow discovered a book of your grandparents’ recollections and memories, wouldn’t you treasure it?
So don’t put it off any longer! Telling your story can:
- • Remind you of how far you’ve traveled
- • Help put things in perspective
- • Give you some closure on the past
- • Entertain and enlighten your readers
- • Allow you to relive triumphs and laugh at tribulations
- • Benefit your mental, emotional, and even physical health
So now is the time for baby boomers to tell our stories, and Retrospect is the way to do it. We offer a weekly prompt to focus your thoughts, and a supportive community, sharing their own memories, to help jog yours.
So think back and share forward … on Retrospect.
That dazzling April moon—
There was none that night,
And the month was June—
That’s right, that’s right.
It warms my heart to know that you
Remember still the way you do.
Ah, yes, I remember it well.*
* Written by Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe. Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.