Think back about …


Most of us find that our memory was sharper when we were young,  and that we’ve gotten more forgetful as we’ve aged. What do you tend to forget? - where you left your keys - or your car? - when you were to meet a friend - and where? - whether you turned off the oven - or the bathtub? Has your forgetfulness ever had funny,  or serious, or catastrophic repercussions? Think back - if you can - about Forgetting,  and share forward!

Stories on This Week's Writing Prompt

Forgetful Me Not
      Retrospect: Forgetting By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024 I’ve lost my car and house keys more times than [...]
I Remember It Well – Sometimes
Here’s something else I do remember. In the movie GiGi, which I loved when I was when I was a pre-teen, Maurice Chevalier [...]
Forgetting, or Just not Remembering?
Earlier, life seemed to be an endless acquisition of information and experience.  More and more stuffed into my brain.  At [...]
Black Tie Optional
Black Tie Optional As I’ve aged I’ve certainly gotten more forgetful,   but the truth is I’ve always suffered a bit from that [...]

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Think back about …


Most of us find that our memory was sharper when we were young,  and that we’ve gotten more forgetful as we’ve aged. What do you tend to forget? - where you left your keys - or your car? - when you were to meet a friend - and where? - whether you turned off the oven - or the bathtub? Has your forgetfulness ever had funny,  or serious, or catastrophic repercussions? Think back - if you can - about Forgetting,  and share forward!

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