Suprise Me

Hat’s Off to Garth! by
(90 Stories)

Prompted By Hats

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As this prompt was actually my husband’s idea, I thought I’d give him credit where credit’s due. He happens to have quite a hat collection himself — at least fifteen (not including caps). The featured photo, taken by him, is one of them. I do love a man in a hat.  
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Without Retrospect, we’d all just be bidin’ our time by
(75 Stories)

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I am so grateful to Retrospect for giving me the avenue and the structure to bring these stories to life.
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Rain by
(135 Stories)

Prompted By 9/11

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A comforter Of mottled gray-black clouds To hide beneath.
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Lost a Friend, Gained a Spouse by
(291 Stories)

Prompted By First Dates

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It was also the night I committed the most anti-feminist act ever. I came with Paula but left with Fred.
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Everyone’s A Critic by
(41 Stories)

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Starting Again This Far Along by
(6 Stories)

Prompted By New Beginnings

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I hope they realize how much I need them too, how they saved my soul and gave me the courage to begin again.
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Regret by
(7 Stories)

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I don’t have a fantastic story about bonding with my grandparents.  Unfortunately, being of Japanese descent, there is a solid line between the generations.  The younger are told to “speak only when spoken to” and are not encouraged to be inquisitive about an elder’s history, perspective, or opinion.  It is seen as disrespectful.  So, I…
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What He Said by
(58 Stories)

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"Do as you might have" . . . But the aunt in question rendered this simply as doozha mighta.
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Puttin’ On the Ritz by
(303 Stories)

Prompted By Finding Your Tribe

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At different times in my life, I have had different "tribes," but for the last 22 years it has been the choir at my synagogue.
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Laugh, laugh, I thought I’d die by
(303 Stories)

Prompted By Comic Relief

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Things that have made me laugh over the years: phony phone calls, Firesign Theatre, Dave Barry, cat filters on Zoom, and my son.
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