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Waiting for the Next One by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Waiting Rooms

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There was surely some apprehension people felt while waiting for medical care, but people often chatted with the front desk or each other and in a small town, it wasn’t unusual to run into someone you knew.
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Bad Moon Rising by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Superstitions

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Beliefs about women’s health and the moon are particularly strong. 
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How it Was and Is by
(141 Stories)

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Maybe my mother did not have the shopping gene or never shook off the Depression and Protestant ethos, but she seems to have passed that shopping ambivalence on to me.
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Silence is not Golden by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Silence

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You know this quote.
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The Meaning of Life by
(141 Stories)

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How did I happen to read that book?  I don’t remember anyone giving it to me or seeing it in the house, so most likely it was in a school library, maybe thoughtfully displayed by a librarian, or maybe just calling to me from a shelf. In any case it was not like anything I had read and it spoke powerfully to my own adolescent yearning to make sense of existence.
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Borderline by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Fears and Phobias

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I still have a pang in my gut crossing any border, even when it should be benign.  Anything could happen in that liminal area.
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Counting Pills by
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Prompted By Pills

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Instead of the usual “my name is” and “how are you” basics, I learned how to explain how many pills to take how often, with or without food, with cautions about dizziness, upset stomach or other side effects.
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The Whole World is Watching by
(141 Stories)

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We managed to see our share of the Saturday kids’ programs, endless varieties of Westerns, the stereotypical Ozzie and Harriet sitcoms, variety shows and increasingly, the news.
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Spice of Life by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Acquired Tastes

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My father was always a bit of a food adventurist.  He liked vinegar on broccoli, Brussels sprouts and spinach, and potato salad with vinegar and onions instead of mayonnaise.
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Lifecycle by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By City vs Suburbs

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Family and friends, returning to the center.
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