Hello again readers and again my first attempt to try to write, which I can’t,because I’m partially paralyzed on my right side can’t use my hand move my fingers can use my arm and such, this is from an accident that occurred months after the incident of me getting out of a moving car doing 35 miles an hour like a fool ,anyway this accident occurred at a friend’s home and property he had a 650 on and off road dirt bike which I loved to ride only thing I couldn’t kick start it it had a air leak in it somewhere my friend weighed over 200 pounds and could kick-start it easily where me it would be one out of 20 kicks was at his house doing a side job when the morning I arrived and we were drinking coffee and smoking some loud when he told me he fixed the bike found the air leak and told me it would be no problem for me to start it so I got up and did so and proceeded to ride it on a track he had through the woods when coming out of the woods in his backyard I attempted a jump which didn’t go as planned I lost control of the bike but holding on to it keeping it from hitting a tree I attempted to stay on it slowing it down which was the last thing I remember before waking up 2 weeks later paralyzed from the neck down ! The report that was given to me from my friend as I came off the hill landed my feet came off the pedals and I was riding the bike like Superman when I hit a tree causing me too fly forward over the handlebars hitting the tree as the bike hit the tree I glanced off to the right luckily the surgeon said by me not having a helmet on probably saved my life I crushed C5 and broke C6 and C7 they had to fuse my vertebrae together with three titanium 8 inch plates, the surgeon that fused my vertebrae together told my girlfriend I had a 1% chance of ever moving below my shoulders ! Could anyone ever imagining after 32 years waking up and being told you’re never going to move again below your shoulders ? Can anyone even imagine the thoughts that can run through someone’s mind as they lay there and can do nothing but think can’t talk because you have a trach in your throat can’t scream all you can do is lay there and cry 4 day after day that is all I did then 20 some days later I barely moved my left big toe and that is where my 32 year old baby experience started !
And I’m still learning !