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The Chair in the Courtyard by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Superstitions

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When I met my friend Rose she’d been a window for several years.  She spoke lovingly about her late husband Bob and I soon learned he’d been her second husband. One day over lunch Rose and I were reminiscing about our past lives and she told me this story. She’d been very young when she…
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Fear of the Other by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Fears and Phobias

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I’m a white woman who for years worked in a public high school in New York’s inner city –  in fact in the infamous south Bronx of Fort Apache fame. I usually carpooled to work with fellow teachers  but at times took the subway from my upper east-side Manhattan neighborhood .  As you may know on…
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A Glass Menagerie from the Five and Dime by
(309 Stories)

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The Five and Dime When I was a kid there were two stores In my neighborhood we called the “five-and-dimes”.  One was Woolworth which of course was a national chain,  and the other was Fishers which I think was just a local store,  Yet to my child’s sensibility they were both grand emporiums selling priceless…
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The Great Pickleball Noise War by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Silence

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The Great Pickleball Noise War I was an adult when I started playing tennis seriously,  but try as I might to ratchet up my game I seemed to have plateaued at intermediate level 3.  I was too good to enjoy playing with beginners,  and not good enough to play with advanced players who certainly didn’t…
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Ulysses by
(309 Stories)

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Ulysses  Please don’t think I’m an insufferable literary snob if I tell you I’ve read Ulysses several times.   But in fact I have,  and I think it’s indeed a masterpiece,  and not at all as hard to read and understand as you may have been led to believe.  (See My Love Affair with James Joyce)…
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Mother’s Little Helper by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Pills

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Mother’s Little Helper After a trouble-free pregnancy,  and a complication-free C-section, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.   We hired a wonderful baby nurse to show us the ropes,  we had loving  grandparents living nearby,  and I was on maternity leave from a job I loved that would wait for me when I…
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Washed Apple by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Acquired Tastes

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Washed Apple My father was a wonderful guy and I’ve shared many loving memories of him.  (See My Father, the Outsider Artist,  My Dad and the Word Processor, Saying Farewell to a Special Guy,  and Six Pack) But he did have some strange food-related tastes and habits.   Apples were his favorite fruit,  and when…
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