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The Sweeter the Wine by
(309 Stories)

Prompted By Acquired Tastes

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The Sweeter the Wine Wine was not exactly an acquired taste of mine,  but rather a delayed one.   For years I was a teetotaler – not by choice mind you,   but on doctor’s orders.   I suffered from migraine headaches since I was a young girl,   and I had been told wine…
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Do You Miss New York? by
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Prompted By City vs Suburbs

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Dave Frishberg wrote it and no one sings it better than Rosie! See Clooney! – Dana Susan Lehrman 
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How to Raise a City Kid by
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Prompted By City vs Suburbs

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How to Raise a City Kid Years ago when our son was a toddler many of our friends began fleeing to the suburbs.  They couldn’t imagine raising a child in Manhattan with all the dirt and crime. “But think of  the culture!”,  I would say. At the Met Museum five-year-old Noah,  wide-eyed at Arms &…
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Joy and Addis by
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Joy and Addis  I’ve written about the memorable time in the early 1970s  when my husband Danny was working in London for a year and we lived in a rented flat in Chelsea off the Kings Road.   (See Laundry Day in London,  Kinky Boots,  Valentine’s Day in Foggytown ,  and Intro to Cookery) And I’ve…
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We Dance by
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Prompted By Meditation

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We Dance Shintoism has more followers in Japan than any other religion including Buddhism.   A polytheistic and animistic religion,  Shintoism,  like other Eastern faiths,  includes the practice of meditation and prayer,  and Japan boasts 100,000 Shinto shines.   But Shintoism has no central authority and its practices vary greatly among it adherents. Although possibly…
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My Conkeydoodle by
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My Conkeydoodle  I’ve had many loving family relationships,  and one of them was with Conkeydoodle.   (See Call Me by Their Names) Conkeydoodle’s father Jack and my father Arthur were first cousins,  so I guess that made me and Conkey second cousins – or maybe first cousins once removed,  we never could quite figure that out.…
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Guardian by
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Guardian  I never thought we’d lose touch or become estranged from good friends,   but sadly it happened.   (See The Gs and Malcolm)  But it seemed inconceivable that in our own family there’d be an estrangement,  but tragically that happened as well. In the early 1990s my sister Laurie married Andy,  and at the time…
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Sciatica by
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Prompted By Pain

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Sciatica Altho I’ve borne a child I can’t say I’ve experienced the pain of childbirth.   Early in my labor the doctor discovered the baby was in breech position and I’d need  a Cesarean,  and so I was put out and felt no pain.  (See My Brown-Eyed Girl) And once I had a really bad…
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Migraine by
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Prompted By Pain

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Migraine I must have been 11 or 12 the first time it hit me. I was sitting in the back seat with my friend Paula as her father drove us to a friend’s birthday party when I suddenly had a horrible nauseous headache.  I don’t remember what happened after that but I assume Paula’s dad…
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Who Trained Who? by
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Prompted By Training Pets

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Who Trained Who? In our house it’s pretty obvious! RetroFlash / 6 Words – Dana Susan Lehrman 
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