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Retrospect: Supermarket Shenanigans by
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  Supermarkets, those sprawling temples of consumerism, have been a fixture in our lives for over a century. From the first Piggly Wiggly in Memphis to the sprawling mega-stores of today, these retail behemoths have witnessed countless triumphs and tribulations. While most of our supermarket experiences are routine and unremarkable, there are those occasional encounters…
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Amusement Park Memories by
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Amusement Parks have always held a special place in the hearts of children and adults alike. They are a microcosm of joy, excitement, and lots of controlled chaos. For many, the most cherished memories are from those carefree days spent navigating the labyrinth of rides and attractions. For me one of the quintessential amusement park…
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1968 – A Year of Long Hair and Longer Odds by
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        Retrospect: 1968 A year of upheaval, of protest, of a man landing on the moon. But let’s talk about the real drama: hair. The year was a mane-iacal frenzy. Hair grew longer, wilder, and more defiant with each passing month. It was as if the world was collectively saying, “Screw it,…
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The Tyranny of Rush Hour by
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      Rush hour is a daily ordeal, a gauntlet thrown down by urban existence. It is a time when the open road, a symbol of freedom, transforms into a congested, serpentine nightmare. The once-fluid asphalt becomes a parking lot in motion, a claustrophobic ballet of honking horns and overly impatient drivers. Beyond the…
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Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll: A Subpar Trilogy? by
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    Sex, drugs, and rock & roll. A mantra, a mythos, a marketing masterpiece. It’s a phrase that’s been tossed around like a well-worn beach ball, it’s luster only dulled by overuse. Let’s be honest, it’s about as original as a guitar solo in a Nickelback song. Sex? Sure, it’s a fundamental human urge.…
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From Sacred Temples To Self -Expression Canvases. Sounds like progress to me. by
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    The good folks at Retrospect are asking about tattoos and piercings – those permanent (well, mostly permanent) ways we adorn our bodies. Now, as a former dedicated follower of the “body-as-a-temple” school of thought (courtesy of Catholicism, bless their metaphorical heart), I found myself firmly in the pew, not the piercing table. But…
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Waiting Rooms: Tales of Torture and Triumph by
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  Ah, waiting rooms. Those fluorescent-lit purgatories where childhood dreams went to die a slow, magazine-fueled death. Remember those giant, uncomfortable chairs swallowing you whole like a bad couch on “Laugh-In”? The only escape? Dog-eared copies of National Geographic filled with pictures of naked butts and confusing maps of exotic lands (where, presumably, dentists/ doctors…
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A Humorous Peek At Superstition by
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“Don’t Walk Under That Ladder”   Alright, ladies and gents, gather ’round. Today’s dissertation is on the peculiar phenomenon of superstition. You know, those little habits that make grown adults clutch a rabbit’s foot like it’s the winning lottery ticket, or avoid black cats like they’re Harvey Weinstein at a kindergarten graduation. Now, as a…
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The Mall Is Dead – Long Live The Mall by
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From Department Store Detours to Deliveries at My Door Hey there, comedy connoisseurs! Here I am here, fresh off a bargain hunt that left me with more questions than discounts. We all know the struggle is real when that cashier asks, “Paper or plastic?” But let me tell you, folks, things weren’t always this “eco-friendly…
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Silence – A Personal Sanctuary by
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Silence – A Sonnet   Oh, sacred hush, a balm for weary ears No traffic roars, no children shriek and play A gentle sigh, the rustle of dried leaves A symphony of quietude that lasts all day But wait, a fly! A buzzing, maddening drone Circling my head with taunting, tiny wings This blissful peace,…
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