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Some Of My Travels by
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  Retrospect: Some Of My Travels By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024 I‘ve been around the block more times than a city bus, mostly due to my stint as a computer trainer, a job that seemed to require me to be everywhere but home. The US, of course, was my stomping ground, a vast…
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The Words, Punctuations & Exclamation by
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    I’ve always been a bit of a word nerd. I love the way they sound, the way they feel on my tongue, and the way they can paint vivid pictures in my mind. But I’ve also learned that words are a double-edged sword, capable of both great beauty and great destruction. One of…
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Many Happy Purchases And Some Returns by
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    Retrospect: Shoppers By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024 I’ve always been a bit of a consumer. Not in a hoarding sense, mind you. I’m not one of those people who fills their garage with boxes of expired cereal or their closet with clothes they’ve never worn. No, I’m more of a connoisseur…
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Forgetful Me Not by
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      Retrospect: Forgetting By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024 I’ve lost my car and house keys more times than I can count. Once, I even forgot where I parked my car. It’s like my brain is a sieve, letting all the important stuff slip through while holding onto useless trivia like the…
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Retrospect: Supermarket Shenanigans by
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  Supermarkets, those sprawling temples of consumerism, have been a fixture in our lives for over a century. From the first Piggly Wiggly in Memphis to the sprawling mega-stores of today, these retail behemoths have witnessed countless triumphs and tribulations. While most of our supermarket experiences are routine and unremarkable, there are those occasional encounters…
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Amusement Park Memories by
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Amusement Parks have always held a special place in the hearts of children and adults alike. They are a microcosm of joy, excitement, and lots of controlled chaos. For many, the most cherished memories are from those carefree days spent navigating the labyrinth of rides and attractions. For me one of the quintessential amusement park…
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1968 – A Year of Long Hair and Longer Odds by
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        Retrospect: 1968 A year of upheaval, of protest, of a man landing on the moon. But let’s talk about the real drama: hair. The year was a mane-iacal frenzy. Hair grew longer, wilder, and more defiant with each passing month. It was as if the world was collectively saying, “Screw it,…
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The Tyranny of Rush Hour by
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      Rush hour is a daily ordeal, a gauntlet thrown down by urban existence. It is a time when the open road, a symbol of freedom, transforms into a congested, serpentine nightmare. The once-fluid asphalt becomes a parking lot in motion, a claustrophobic ballet of honking horns and overly impatient drivers. Beyond the…
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Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll: A Subpar Trilogy? by
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    Sex, drugs, and rock & roll. A mantra, a mythos, a marketing masterpiece. It’s a phrase that’s been tossed around like a well-worn beach ball, it’s luster only dulled by overuse. Let’s be honest, it’s about as original as a guitar solo in a Nickelback song. Sex? Sure, it’s a fundamental human urge.…
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From Sacred Temples To Self -Expression Canvases. Sounds like progress to me. by
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    The good folks at Retrospect are asking about tattoos and piercings – those permanent (well, mostly permanent) ways we adorn our bodies. Now, as a former dedicated follower of the “body-as-a-temple” school of thought (courtesy of Catholicism, bless their metaphorical heart), I found myself firmly in the pew, not the piercing table. But…
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Waiting Rooms: Tales of Torture and Triumph by
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  Ah, waiting rooms. Those fluorescent-lit purgatories where childhood dreams went to die a slow, magazine-fueled death. Remember those giant, uncomfortable chairs swallowing you whole like a bad couch on “Laugh-In”? The only escape? Dog-eared copies of National Geographic filled with pictures of naked butts and confusing maps of exotic lands (where, presumably, dentists/ doctors…
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A Humorous Peek At Superstition by
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“Don’t Walk Under That Ladder”   Alright, ladies and gents, gather ’round. Today’s dissertation is on the peculiar phenomenon of superstition. You know, those little habits that make grown adults clutch a rabbit’s foot like it’s the winning lottery ticket, or avoid black cats like they’re Harvey Weinstein at a kindergarten graduation. Now, as a…
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The Mall Is Dead – Long Live The Mall by
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From Department Store Detours to Deliveries at My Door Hey there, comedy connoisseurs! Here I am here, fresh off a bargain hunt that left me with more questions than discounts. We all know the struggle is real when that cashier asks, “Paper or plastic?” But let me tell you, folks, things weren’t always this “eco-friendly…
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Silence – A Personal Sanctuary by
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Silence – A Sonnet   Oh, sacred hush, a balm for weary ears No traffic roars, no children shriek and play A gentle sigh, the rustle of dried leaves A symphony of quietude that lasts all day But wait, a fly! A buzzing, maddening drone Circling my head with taunting, tiny wings This blissful peace,…
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1963: A Year That Just Couldn’t Make Up Its Own Mind by
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  Alright folks, here I am back to remind you that history isn’t always a dusty textbook. Sometimes, it’s a deranged sitcom with a laugh track that keeps getting stuck. Take 1963, for example. A year that went from “Ask not what your country can do for you” to “Hold my coca-cola while I watch…
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Books That Inspired Me (To be a writer) by
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You ever meet someone who brags about not reading? Like, it’s some kind of badge of honor? “Yeah I haven’t touched a book since I finished coloring in those dinosaur pictures at school. Turns out, crayons are all the education you really need!” Reading is not some punishment for getting bad grades, it’s a portal…
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Fear and Frothing In Las Vegas – My Rant On Phobias by
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  Alright, settle down everyone, I am here to dismantle the dramatics of our everyday anxieties. We all have fears, that much is a given. From the perfectly reasonable (stepping off a skyscraper) to the downright debilitating (spontaneous human combustion, a fear of mine, I haven’t slept well with since I first dreamed about it…
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Our Chemical Companions: A Meditation on Modern Medicine (with a Side of Cynicism) by
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    Far out, far out, far out. Let’s talk pills, folks. Those little sugar-coated suckers that have been humanity’s companions since we first figured out chewing on some random root could make us see sparkly jaguars. Shamans with questionable fashion sense swigged dubious concoctions, all in the pursuit of a better afterlife, or at…
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How The Boob Tube Turned Muse by
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  Alright settle down there, Retros. Yes, let us talk about the television, the telly, the boob tube. Now, before you all start clutching your pearls and wailing about the “vast wasteland” that is television, à la Newton Minow, hear me out. Because amongst the endless parade of reality trash and brain-rotting sitcoms, there were…
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Acquired Tastes: A Conspiracy by the Bland & Nasty Tasting Food Lobby by
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    Right, acquired tastes, my ar*e. You know what they’re really saying, don’t you? “This stuff is grim, but we can’t afford to throw it away.” So here’s three stories about how you, a literal child, was just too simple to appreciate. Olives. Tiny, wrinkled balls of sadness swimming in brine. Apparently, these were…
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City Vs Suburbs by
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  Right, let’s dissect this whole “city lover” nonsense, shall we? Apparently, some people find the constant assault on the senses invigorating. They crave the feeling of being sardines in a can, jostled by tourists with selfie sticks and businessmen talking loudly into Bluetooth earpieces the size of their brains. Me? I like a bit…
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Mending Fences: An Exercise In Futility by
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  Right, friendships. Those things we forge in the furnace of youth, fueled by shared baseball card collections and a desperate need for someone to understand our Nirvana obsession. But then, like a dodgy takeout of Indian curry, they often leave a sour aftertaste – only this time lasting far into adulthood. Why? Well, let’s…
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You Know You’re Getting Old When Pain Becomes Your Best Friend by
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Alright, alright alright, let’s talk about pain. You know, that delightful little companion that shows up uninvited and overstays its welcome. Physical pain, emotional pain, the whole damn seldom tasty buffet of pain. We’ve all been there, folks. The good news? You’re not alone. The bad news? It’s gonna happen again. Now, the medical definition…
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A Unofficial Family Feud Memoir by
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Family Relationships   Ah, family. The people you share a significant portion of your DNA with, which for some translates to a deep and abiding love. For others, well, it’s like being stuck in a crowded elevator with a toddler who keeps smearing mashed banana on the emergency stop button. Me? My family? I fall…
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“War? What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing!” by
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  Hey there you fellow homo sapiens! Gather ’round, lemme tell ya a joke. It’s a real knee-slapper, been around for millennia. It goes a little somethin’ like this: a bunch of ya all get riled up, paint yer faces funny colors, grab some pointy sticks, and see who can spill the most blood and…
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My Own Worst Critic by
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  My Own Worst Critic Let’s be honest, folks. We all have that voice in our heads. The one that whispers (or sometimes shrieks) insecurities like a malfunctioning smoke detector. This eternal internal tormentor, for lack of a better term, is what I like to call my own personal Jiminy Cricket. Imagine, if you will,…
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Stuff – The Tyranny of Things: A Treatise on Material Malaise by
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  Right, let’s talk about stuff. You know, that ever-expanding collection of… well, stuff. It’s the creeping crud of capitalism, the flotsam and jetsam of consumerism clinging desperately to our lives like a toddler covered in ice cream. We buy it, we hoard it, and then we spend the rest of our days muttering darkly…
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Meditation? You Mean Sitting There Like a Pretzel, Not Thinking About My To-Do List? by
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    Meditation. It’s all the rage these days, like kale chips and adult coloring books. Everyone’s hopping on the bandwagon, chanting “om” and levitating off the floor… or at least that’s what the Instagram influencers want you to believe. But for the rest of us, busy bees drowning in a never-ending to-do list, meditation…
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A Man and His Water: A Chlorine-Tinged Odyssey by
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  Swimming Ah, swimming. That timeless activity – unless, of course, you consider the few unfortunate souls who haven’t yet grasped its aquatic glory. Evidence suggests most humans have been splashing around since the Stone Age, which, let’s be honest, is basically yesterday compared to the grand scheme of things. Here’s the kicker: even those…
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When My Buick Became My Fortress of Solitude by
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Ah, the New England Blizzard of 1978. A storm so legendary it should have its own theme song, sung by a baritone with a healthy dose of post-traumatic stress. You know, something like “The Snow Drifts Were High, the Power Was Out, and My Shovel Became My Best Friend (And It Judged Me Silently).” In…
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Stress – Chill Out Before You Melt Down by
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    Ah, stress! The ever-present uninvited guest at the banquet of life, refusing to leave even after polite (or impolite) hints. Now, some folks, bless their little cortisol-pumping hearts, seem to thrive on it. They’re like squirrels on espresso, bouncing off the walls with deadlines looming and their smart phones exploding with emails. Me?…
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Training Pets: An Exercise In Futility by
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                                                                    Ah, pets. Those adorable bundles of fur, feathers, or scales that waddle or paddle into your life, demanding cuddles and causing…
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Humanity’s Laugh Track Since Before Punchlines Were Invented by
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Ah, comedy. The universal language of amusement, the oil that keeps the gears of social interaction turning smoothly (except when it throws monkey wrenches into those gears, but that’s part of the fun, right?). Laughter has been echoing through caves and amphitheaters since well before punchlines were even a twinkle in some early human’s eyes.…
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RMV Where Lines Stretch Farther Than Your Patience (and Perhaps Your Sanity). by
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Ah, the RMV. A mystical land where fluorescent lighting casts a pale pallor on dreams and paperwork morphs into origami dragons – as if fire-breathing was not enough. It is a realm where lines of people weave like drunken conga dancers, each step punctuated by the collective sigh of souls yearning for freedom (from the…
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My Chrome Coated Nostalgia On Four Wheels by
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  Hello guys and gals – do you remember the car you lusted after in your youth? The one that made your heart do the four-on-the-floor chrome-rimmed tap dance whenever you spotted it in the rear view mirror of your adolescent dreams? For some it was a cherry-red muscle car, all growl and rumble, spitting…
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The Day I Discovered Socks Were Optional by
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Life before my Great Sock Liberation Day, as I call it with a yawn-inducing lack of drama, was a symphony of socks: cotton, wool, nylon, ankle, crew, knee-high – they were, as the Old Testament might say ‘a plague upon my house’. Every morning for me was a ballet of fumbling and frustration, battling those…
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Favors: The Currency of Saints and Hypocrites by
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Aristotle? Bible? “Ideal man”? Mit-what-zah? Sounds like a fancy way of saying “make your own bed” to me. But apparently, doing stuff for other people is supposed to be some grand declaration of inner beauty. Let’s be honest, though, favors are a minefield. A social tightrope where good intentions trip over awkward silences and unspoken…
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A Donkey On The Edge by
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  A Donkey On The Edge Okay let’s talk short fuses. Not the kind that light your Marlboro cigarettes on the Fourth of July (although, hey, if you do you – then boo hoo for you.). I’m talking about the human variety, the folks who walk around with tempers simmering just below the surface, like…
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I Don’t Do Dangerous by
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Hey-o Retrospect nation I am here, back from the era of dial-up phone calls and disco dancing to drop some cautionary wisdom on any younger minds out there. Some might think their generation invented the whole “safety first” ideas with kale smoothies and mindfulness apps, but let me tell you, boomers like me had that…
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I Yam What I Yam by
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I Yam What I Yam By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2023 So, ya wanna know if where I’m from defines me? Well buckle up, cuz here comes a geography lesson straight outta Beantown. First off, let’s get this straight: I ain’t some Hallmark movie character where my hometown paints a quaint mural on my…
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Laundry: A Gothic Exploration of the Mundane by
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In the tapestry of human existence, there are filaments that bind us together, threads that weave through the fabric of our days, shaping our experiences and defining our routines. Among these filaments, there is one that is often overlooked, yet undeniably present: the thread of laundry. Laundry, the humble chore of cleaning clothes, may seem…
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A Dream Within A Dream by
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Dreams are ephemeral tapestries woven in the deepest recesses of our minds, where reality bends and dissolves, logic surrenders to the fantastical, and the impossible becomes commonplace. Before the first fluttering of consciousness at dawn from the final descent into slumber, we traverse this enigmatic realm nightly, embarking on journeys that defy definition and leave…
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Let Us Get Beyond Prejudice by
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In the shadowy underbelly of society, where the sun’s rays fail to penetrate and the air hums with a palpable tension, lurks the insidious specter of racial prejudice. This pernicious force, cloaked in the guise of ignorance and fear, has long cast its dark shadow over the human race, weaving a tapestry of injustice and…
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Ex-Friends: Navigating the Tangled Web of Friendship’s Dissolution by
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  Friendship, a bond that weaves through the tapestry of human existence, is a source of solace, support, and shared experiences. It’s a symphony of shared laughter, whispered secrets, and unspoken understandings. However, like any intricate creation, friendship can unravel, leaving behind a tangled web of emotions and unanswered questions. The dissolution of a friendship,…
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Thank You For Your Service by
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  Our veterans are some of the most special people in our world. They have sacrificed so much for our freedom and security. On Veterans Day, let’s take a moment to thank them for their service and to celebrate their humor, resilience, and strength. Here are a few humorous and appreciative thoughts about our veterans:…
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Our Disunited Selves by
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      The United States of America, a beacon of hope and freedom for millions around the world, is facing a crisis of disunity. In recent years, the country has become increasingly divided along political, social, and economic lines. This disunity is threatening to undermine the very foundations of American democracy. There are a…
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Mr Swift Suggests by
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    A Modest Proposal to Address the Problem of Homelessness in the Modern World By Jonathan Swift’s Ghost I am Jonathan Swift, and I have returned from the dead to address the most pressing issue of our time: homelessness. I am not here to offer a serious solution, but rather to satirize the absurdity…
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Perfection Is Imbalance by
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  Here is a short analogy that illustrates how perfectionism is a form of imbalance: Imagine a seesaw. On one side of the seesaw is perfectionism, and on the other side is self-acceptance. When we are perfectionists, we are putting all of our weight on the side of perfectionism. This causes the seesaw to become…
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Talking To Strangers Is A Philosophy by
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Talking to strangers can be a valuable and enriching experience. It helps me to: Expand my horizons and learn about different perspectives and experiences. Challenge my biases and assumptions. Build new relationships and connections. Increase my empathy and understanding of others. Gain new insights into the world around me Of course, there are also risks…
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I asked myself … by
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  I asked myself ‘What would a world without libraries be like’? A world without libraries would be a world with less access to information, less education, and less opportunity. Libraries provide free access to books, computers, and the internet for people of all ages and backgrounds. They also offer a variety of programs and…
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Boston’s ‘Great Molasses Flood’ by
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  File under: ‘It could be worse.’ On a warm January day in 1919, a disaster struck Boston’s North End. A giant tank of molasses burst open, releasing a wave of sticky syrup that swept through the streets, crushing buildings and killing 21 people. The Great Molasses Flood, as it became known, was a bizarre and…
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Go n-eirí an t-ádh libh: Good luck to you both (in Gaelic) by
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I have not been married since 1994 so as long as I am going back in time I’ll go way back in time. In ancient Rome, it was believed that the bride was easy prey for vengeful spirits who would harm her. In order to confuse those spirits and chase them away, the Romans “invented”…
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Hack: Advice from my AI Bot Buddy Hal by
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  Here is some good advice(s) from my AI Bot Buddy … Hal … Getting hacked is a serious problem that can have a major impact on your life. Hackers can steal your personal information, financial data, and even your identity. They can also use your computer to spread malware or launch attacks on other…
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Please don’t judge me harshly as I’ve never been on Jury Duty but … by
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… I really liked watching   No one asked me but I liked I like Raymond Burr in Perry Mason so much and later Rock Hudson in McMillan & Wife that I just accepted their chosen lifestyles with no judgements whatsoever.
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All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quiet in a room alone.” ― Blaise Pascal by
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  Back in the days of ‘Higher Education’ for me I ran into this Blaise Quote and kind of took it to heart.   Below are some additional thoughts:   Pascal’s quote is a profound observation about the human condition. It suggests that our miseries are often caused by our own restlessness and inability to be…
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Hardy Har Har by
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    “Question authority” is a phrase that has been around for centuries. It’s a call to think critically about the people in power and to not blindly follow their orders. But what if authority is actually funny? Think about it. Authority figures are often portrayed as being stuffy, uptight, and humorless. They’re the ones…
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I Love Progress by
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  Imagine if my umbilical cord had not been cut many years ago! I love cutting the modern day cord, why? Portability: I can access the internet anywhere within range of a router and without cables. Ease of setup: We can set up a wireless network without having to run wires or drill holes. Flexibility:…
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Untitled by
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    Here are some variations on that old canard ‘Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ – Imitation is the sincerest form of mockery – Imitation is the cheapest form of creativity – Imitation is the easiest form of learning – Imitation is the highest form of praise – Imitation is the lowest form…
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I Laugh At Aging Because It Is FREE! by
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I won a prize for getting older – atrophy. I can sneeze and pee at the same time! I will not laughing as I get older because I know I will grow old when I stop laughing. I may only be young once but I’m pretty sure I can be immature indefinitely.
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The Times They Are A-Changin by
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That is what I thought of with the Retrospect Topic ‘Changing Times’ – not the clocks to be moved forward but the 1960s and then beyond. I was 14 when Bob Dylan’s song ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ was first released and it foretold for me, it prepared me for, my coming of age challenges…
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Is It Safe by
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The movie Marathon Man was released in 1976 and Laurence Olivier played the part of Szell a former WWII Nazi German enroute to New York City from South America to recover some stolen and previously hidden diamonds. Dustin Hoffman plays the part of Thomas Babington brother to a US secret agent and who unwittingly gets…
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News Extra – Man Learns To Cook by
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It was a movie that got me into cooking; it was 1989 when Field of Dreams was released and there was a scene in the movie where the first baseman ghost (Chick Gandil) who had been dead for many years says to Ray Kinsilla (Kevin Costner) “You don’t have a cigarette on yah do yah?”…
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Against The Tide by
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I am probably going against the tide of opinion when I extol the very good service I have received from the Unites States Postal Service (USPS), the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) and, dare I say it, Amazon. The USPS has always done well by me. I cannot recall even one missed piece of…
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Not Grimm But Grim by
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Most American youngsters learned their Fairy Tales from Aesop and the Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson. Me? I was a ‘T. V. Baby’ and that electronic device was my friend and baby sitter (and later boy sitter) so I got Rocket J. Squirrel, Bullwinkle The Moose, Boris, Natasha et al for breakfast, some times…
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Out Of Bounds by
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I am out of bounds and I know it but the title ‘Broadcast News’ coincides with one of my favorite movies so I am going with that. Wonderful writing and three future movie stars; Future Oscar winners Holly Hunter and William Hurt and Albert Brooks (Oscar nominee for Broadcast News.) Released in 1987 it still…
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Middle Child Syndrome by
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My answer surprised even me: "I am here because I am a middle child I will now longer be quiet - tonight I will speak up." (I am in fact a middle child three times over; 4th that of 7, 3rd of four and 2nd of three and so it was definitely time to speak up.) And I did.
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How I Learned To Stop Being A Litterbug by
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I had the good fortune (Koun) to travel to Japan on business. I was familiar with Lederer/ Burdick’s The Ugly American and so I was on my best behavior. I was remember being impressed with the sale of beer through vending machines on their city streets. Back then I was a smoker and after almost…
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The Amazing Crystal Radio by
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I was thrilled when some relative gave me a crystal radio for my birthday.
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Those Were The Days My Friend by
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I would laugh at 'All In The Family' while the 'elders' would agree with Archie.
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As The Irish Say: Me Mom by
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I hope when you grow up you'll have kids just like you.
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All Four Of My Grandparents Were Refugees. by
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My title 'All Four Of My Grandparents Are Refugees' is true, kind of.
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I Became The Hunter Gatherer by
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I leaned what my French or Irish ancestors must have known – how to forage. Pasta was in short supply – had to find that. Toilet paper was in short supply – had to find that.  Time to eat more fruits and vegetables which meant more recipes to learn. More time indoors so Watched Downton…
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Cheating Is Funny by
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Not ‘ha, ha’ funny but what is funny is I immediately thought of romantic cheating and not competitive or educational testing cheating. Hmmm. Here are some interesting ‘facts’ I found out about ‘Relationship Cheating’: The French cheat  more often. Marriage counselors consider faking orgasms as cheating. Most mammals are polygamous. Social media has led to…
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Reincarnation by
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I am not exactly sure when I knew I would in fact live forever. Oh, not in the same body of course. “Reincarnation” I thought to myself, “yeah that’s the ticket.” As for this body I feel like I have a responsibility to keep it in reasonably good shape and healthy and so I behave…
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My Guilty Pleasures by
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Here is where we find out if you can keep my Guilty Pleasures secret. Q-Tips; I stick the Q Tip into my ear canal, not too far. I always (always) keep my Q Tips away from children. Feline Videos; I have a thing for cat videos and when I like a particular video I attach…
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B52’s – Love Shack by
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Starting in the late 80s my computer professional career took me around the world; America (25 of our 50 states), Japan,  Canada, England, Scotland and Ireland. Everywhere I worked  I would go out and shake my booty (dance) and every (and I mean every) dance locale would end up playing (then and even nowadays) the…
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I like the present and I will miss the future. by
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And talk about efficient - I can get the latest news in minutes not hours. Oh and no more ink stained hands.  I save hundred   of dollars a year while being more and better informed.
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