The Cleaver family from the television program Leave it to Beaver. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The Cleaver family from the television program Leave it to Beaver. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Thanks for sharing your family sayings last week in response to the prompt S#*t My Family Said. Here are some lines that we especially liked:

You don’t turn love off and on like a faucet.
Words and Sayings from an Immigrant Family by Rosie (thanks also for suggesting the prompt)

My parents were very different. We were never quite sure why they married in the first place, or how they stayed together as long as they did.
Different Types by Betsy

My Father-in Law, that has since passed, looked at my Mother-in Law and said quietly … “The F**K we don’t !!!!”
Untitled by Chardog

Whenever I needed her intervention with my Mom and I asked her for that help—she would always say “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”
Be Careful What You Ask For … by SusanK

On a couple of occasions he called me a knucklehead. I didn’t mind all that much because, admittedly, I was actually being one at the time.
Sounds Like Sit’-zen-zee by Constance