Without A Word
Warm muzzle
Cold nose
Contented purr
Protective bark
Joyous wag
Tempted twitch
Raised eyebrow
Leaned into leg
Animal aromas
Soft fur comfort
Welcoming greeting
Apprehensive parting
Soundless song
Intertwined with mine
Constant companionship
Chores of service
Enigmatic puzzles
Bewildered apology
Comic curiosity
Demandless conversation
Provocation of patience
Eager pleasing
Standoffish pride
Absurd amounts of worry
Endless laughter
Tireless play
Satisfied sleeping
Costly bills
Connection without judgment
Frantic searching
Grief beyond sharing
Foundations of security
Lessons open waiting
True deep love
Without a word
well written
Thank you January! I’m not much of a poetry reader, this really made me slow down and savor. Every line evoked a particular memory of an interaction with a beloved pet from my past, and I truly enjoyed the experience. Really great, thanks for sharing.