Wi-Not? by
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Prompted By Cutting the Cord

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A Wireless Woman

I cut the cable cord first,

did so way before my sons, 

family, friends.

Today I find myself

celebrating the 10 yr victory

of mindless channel screens,

and thousands of dollars later.


It’s mostly sports I lost.

The key reason men can’t quit.

A Yankee fan, a football junkie,

basketball, even Sunday golf,

Still, pursued and never wavered,

a fan but not a die-hard.


The antennas became my monsters.

A promise of free local channels

was definitely part of the plan.

Since the roof was 3 stories high

I relied on newly enhanced window ones

that never seemed to work.


My Wi-Fi has been under $50 for years.

In time my TVs caught up with the trend

and offered everything needed.

In fact most of the time I watch my shows

on my iPad wherever I go.


I’m an Amazon devotee 

so I get Prime for free

which started some choice sports events too.

I have Apple TV for $6.50, Disney for $7

and Netflix for $11 (ignored enhanced TV),

 HBO was gifted.


Held on to my land-line phone till last year

when I moved in with my sister.

After a few annoying changes to accounts,

I really never missed it.


One last word on our ever changing tech,

Wi-Fi is the golden object of our lives

network connectivity that makes

your tv ‘smart’, your home, and you.

Which never seems to raise in price,

(now I sound like a commercial)

but I swear by the God of Clouds it’s true.


Profile photo of Patricia Valese pattyv

Characterizations: funny, right on!, well written


  1. Gee Patty, glad someone has figured it out.
    I guess I’m a dinosaur , still have a TV (with oodles of channels never watched) and a landline (seldom used or answered).

    And in fact do all my blogging, emailing, photographing, banking, and Amazon ordering . on my little pink iPhone – so go figure!

    • pattyv says:

      I actually wrote it for so many I know who are paying monstrous amounts and never watch anything, it’s not a poem but hopefully a little bit of info on cutting the cord.

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    Patty, you are woman who knows how to be ahead of the curve and I applaud you for that. My husband would never be satisfied to watch TV on an iPad (I watch Outlander from Starz that way and I don’t mind – I only sign up when a new season comes along). But, as you will read, we have not cut the cord, though we do have Apple TV+ and many other premium channels.

  3. Laurie Levy says:

    You are definitely ahead of me. Just now trying to figure out how to use Apple Pay/Wallet and leave all of those credit bards at home.

  4. Khati Hendry says:

    Good work on whittling down expenses. I haven’t gotten into watching anything on a computer/phone, and watch little on TV either–but pay a lot!

  5. Dave Ventre says:

    I am so behind the curve, I had to read this several times to know what was going on….

    We recently dumped Dish, having previously dumped cable. Everything we watch is streamed, which has saved us a lot of money with only small sacrifices. Still too much, I am sure, but Gina handles that so I have no idea what we are paying. She assures me its less, though.

    Best thing we got rid of was the land line. It had been pretty much 100% scam callers with thick Indian accents and names like Bob, Jim and Steve for a couple of years anyway.

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