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Today is Memorial Day, May 30, 2016. When I was growing up, my mother would take me to the cemetery in El Cerrito where her parents and brothers were buried and we would ohaka mairi, which in Japanese means to visit the graves of the ancestors. Usually one might go around the anniversary of their death, or maybe their birthday. But we would always go on Memorial Day to place flowers on my grandparents' graves and her brother Thomas Tamemasa Sagimori, who died in Italy during World War II.
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I am from the TV generation of the 1960s and 1970s. I searched for Asian faces in the actors and actresses of the time period: Hop Sing, Mrs. Livingston, and Mr. Sulu are the characters that first come to my mind.
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My mom sewed my dresses when I was in elementary school. We would go to the store, usually J.C. Pennys and she and I would pick out patterns and fabric for the dresses.
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Uncle Tom: Not Knowing How To Miss You
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Tell her George Called, George Takei
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Sewing My Own Clothes
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