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Profile photo of Marcia Richmond Liss Marcia Richmond Liss
In 1982, Marcia Liss began drawing cartoons and continued over the centuries to chronicle the life of Everywoman, as perceived by a suspenders-and tie-wearing cartoon character named, coincidentally, Marcia. Deserving of a 2nd and 3rd look by 2 major syndicates, but not making the final cut at either, a few of the single panels were published by the popular magazine called...uh...hmmm...well, anyway, “Today’s Chicago Woman” named the cartoonist as one of 90 woman to watch in the ‘90’s. Nobody quite knew what they were watching for, but there you have it. When not drawing cartoons, Marcia worked as Development Director for the ACLU of Illinois, raised 2 children (who are now married with kids of their own), and stayed married. She is a very serious person who worried about climate control, gun control and other control issues until she realized she had no control and concentrated instead on getting first row center seats to Liza Minnelli concerts. She currently lives in Evanston, Illinois with her husband where she draws cartoons and laughs at her own jokes.

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  1. Laurie Levy says:

    Marcia, how lucky we were to be clueless about what to do with what we learned. Still in the process of discovery, right?

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    Took our daughter to see “Avenue Q” on Broadway years ago (at her request). She loved the show and came back singing, “What will you do with a BA in English?” She majored in Computer Science and went to work for Apple in Cupertino right out of school. But computers were always her thing.

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