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Not a Dream #1 by
(5 Stories)

Prompted By Disasters

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“There would have been no rescue here!” The fire marshal held my arm as fiercely as my gaze, neither of us paying attention to the breast milk leaking across my shirt. I tore my eyes away from his and tried again to look at the house, still reeking of wet char, a crazy perimeter of crime tape separating the ugly remains of our home from the gorgeous June morning.
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From Even in Darkness by
(5 Stories)

Prompted By Turning Points

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This excerpt from Even in Darkness occurs when Klare returns from Theresienstadt, the concentration camp, to reestablish a life in her home town of Hoerde. She begins to lose those she'd fought so hard to save, not realizing that redemption is just around the corner.
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The Friday Dress by
(5 Stories)

Prompted By What We Wore

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Being pretty much the academic nerd, I’m reasonably certain that no one in my mid 1960s  high school life looked to me for fashion statements.  Moreover, I wasn’t allowed to clothes shop with any frequency, and when I did, I got little guidance from my disinterested mother. But I did know about and covet Villager…
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Hair Time by
(5 Stories)

Prompted By Hair

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I should write a piece of  YA flash fiction about what I could have done with all the time I spent worrying about and fussing with my hair between the time my mother gave up on it when I was seven, and when I decided to stop trying to battle my curls sometime in my mid…
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War Stories by
(5 Stories)

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As a historical novelist, I love doing research. I can and do lose days at a time finding and reading background information from which facts, or a sense of place or time will emerge to inform my story. I am often asked where I learned about the story in my recently published novel, Even in…
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