My Favorite Beatle by
(335 Stories)

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Like every girl of my generation, I had a favorite Beatle and about a year ago we actually met!

My husband and I were having lunch at Lexington Candy Shop on Lex & 83rd,  a favorite local coffeeshop.  The place prides itself on it’s celebrity patronage with signed photos on the walls of Woody Allen and others,  and stills from a scene in Three Days of the Condor that was actually filmed there.

At lunchtime the coffeeshop is always crowded and we were lucky to get two stools at the counter.  Then my husband tapped my arm,  “There’s Paul McCartney.”,  he said.

Sure enough there he was walking towards the door followed by an entourage of three or four beautiful young things,  and looking pretty young himself for his (gulp) 75 plus years.

I’ve seen other celebs in New York and no big deal –  Robin Williams at a art exhibit at  MOMA,  Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward watching modern dance from the next row at the Joyce,  Jackie Mason eating at Sammys Romanian,  Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson at a Szechwan restaurant on upper Broadway,  and Woody Allen walking a few feet ahead of me on Madison.  Once I even saw Salvador Dali at the old Huntington Hartford Museum.

But this was different  – I’d had a big crush on Paul since I saw him on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964.  And now he was just a few feet away!

I’ll never know what possessed me,  but as he passed I grabbed his sleeve and actually heard myself saying to Paul McCartney.  “May I kiss you?

”You certainly may not.”  he said.  And with that he left the coffeeshop,  turned down Lexington Avenue,  and my biggest crush walked out of my life – possibly forever.

Needless to say I was crushed!

Dana Susan Lehrman

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: Humor, Paul McCartney, The Beatles
Characterizations: funny


  1. Laurie Levy says:

    Wow, Dana, I can’t believe you asked for a kiss. I probably would have cried like I did when I watched him perform in my younger days. But I wish he had let you hold his hand at least (or maybe take a selfie). I guess at 75, he had earned the right to walk away from his adoring fans.

  2. John Shutkin says:

    Great story — and I know the Lexington Candy Shop well from my many years of living on the Upper East Side. But you failed to heed an important lesson that we lawyers know all too well: never ask a question that you don’t know the answer of. You should have just kissed the lucky guy!

  3. Suzy says:

    Oh Dana, what a story! You were so brave to ask for a kiss! How sad that he said no! I guess a selfie would have been less intrusive, although he might have said no to that as well. Wonder if his answer would have been different if you had been a “beautiful young thing” like the ones in his entourage.

  4. Marian says:

    Wow, amazing, Dana, a celebrity crush come to life. I enjoyed your narrative of it.

  5. Dave Ventre says:

    Celebrities I have met or seen and didn’t want to kiss; Isaac Asimov, Ric Ocasek, Mario Andretti and Garrison Keillor.

    But one fine day I was walking in Manhattan and saw two ludicrously beautiful women walking toward me. One was Cheryl Tiegs. She must have seen me staring because she smiled at me and nodded hello, which reduced me to a puddle of lustful goo inside.

    Hard to imagine, but her companion was even more attractive!

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