Nope, the title does not reflect some marketing slogan for Rogaine.
Imagine his mortification when the performers assemble on stage completely naked.
This is in response to another Retrospect author’s mention that she saw the musical Hair during its original showing in Manhattan in 1968. Fast forward to 2011. My youngest son is graduating from The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in Manhattan. He’s a drummer. One of his instructors is in the pit orchestra for this reproduction of Hair. So my husband and I get tickets and accompany our son to the performance. He is seated between us. Of course he’s just a kid, might know some of the lyrics to some of the songs, but never saw the original, right? Imagine his mortification at the close of the first act, when the performers assemble on stage completely naked for a few breathtaking moments before the houselights shut down.
House lights come up for intermission. Silence from our son, who is pointedly staring straight ahead to avoid making eye contact with either parent. “Oh. Well. Yeah. Guess I’ll go back and see if I can talk to my professor.” As he disappears backstage, my husband and I burst out laughing, sharing a moment of boomer’s revenge.

You mean that, in this era when everyone lets it all hang out, there’s still sexual squeamishness between parents and children? Hallelujah!
Glad my story prompted this one from you. I took my daughter to see a touring company performance of Hair when she was 18 (but looked younger), and before we went in to the theatre one of the ushers tried to warn me that I might not want her to see it. “I’ve seen it before,” I responded, “when I was about her age, and I definitely want her to see it!”
Funny that our kids can still be embarrassed! I saw the show on Broadway when I was 18, but knew what was coming. Thanks for sharing.
Bright moments, bright moments! Isn’t this reversal of generational values interesting? Although parents never know really what their kids are thinking. Beside, if he’s been at the New School, my guess he wouldn’t be ALL that flabergasted, sans parents ;-)!
Well written and funny. I moved to NY about the time it closed down and never saw it live. Wanted to see the show. I’m surprised your son was shocked, the kids that my son’s hung out with at his age didn’t seem to be shocked at any thing that went on.
Keep writing!