Who Knew Kindergarten was So Hard? by (1 Story)

Prompted By Kindergarten

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Written in response to Shy Little Girl

I’m 66, so why do I still have so many vivid memories of Kindergarten? I remember things like wetting my pants because I was too afraid to leave my seat without permission. I remember a couple sympathetic room mothers offering me a Halloween costume since my mom hadn’t arranged for one. Being proud, stubborn and embarrassed, I refused. I survived but now knew my level of poverty was obvious to all.

Our kindergarten was strictly play time, singing songs and being read to. Not sure how I managed to rope him in but one little boy got stuck being my husband when playing house. No wonder when we got to high school he totally avoided me.

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  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    It sounds like you remember Kindergarten because it was so traumatic for you; and left a huge impression. Just as I was traumatized in 6th grade, there are some things that we don’t get over and leave lasting scars. It sounds like this was it for you. I hope that sharing has helped. They say that daylight, or getting something out in the open is a great antiseptic for old wounds. I’ve found writing all these stories to be very healing.

  2. Suzy says:

    Welcome to Retrospect, and thanks for this story. Sorry that kindergarten was so hard for you, but glad that you were able to write about it. I hope you will continue to share your stories with us.

  3. Laurie Levy says:

    In talks I gave to parents of kids moving from preschool to kindergarten, I always said the hardest parts were not what they worried about. Bathroom rules result in many accidents. Lunch is stressful for kids who can’t manage what they bring from home and kids whose lunch accounts are not paid up and are “lunch shamed” by having to eat a cheese sandwich. Playgrounds without proper supervision before school and at lunch are invitations for bullying and leaving shy children out. It can be a tough transition for many kids.

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