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A tale of wash day danger by
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Prompted By Laundry

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Trying to take his jeans out of dryer dubbed "the green monster," a young athlete's life is changed forever.
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Me, I’ve Lived in Dreams by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Daydreaming

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Dreams may not be real, but sometimes they can help get us through heartache. And sometimes they can even come true.
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The Living Lost by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Ex-Friends

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Some lost souls just don’t want to be found. For them, the span of their lives is judged not by the calendar nor the actuarial tables that insurance companies live and die by, nor by the average life spans computed by the American Heart Association. All of these objective measures of how long people may…
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Roger and Me by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Disunited States

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Understanding and respect can go a long way toward developing a bridge to peace.
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Finding a career amid the stacks by
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Prompted By Libraries

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How can a library chart your career path as early as childhood? No one was more surprised than me.
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Answering my own question by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Retirement

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Retiring to do what you want to do ... or are you already doing it by working?
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Raining on the 12th Precinct by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Rainy Days

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When I think of rainy days, and the melancholy effect they can have on us, I think of an episode of the classic TV sitcom, Barney Miller, a wry, understated  comedy series that ran from 1975-82.  The episode was called simply, “Rain,” and you can watch it at that link. For the uninitiated, who missed one…
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Dress Rehearsals for Life by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Art’s Impact

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Good films can imitate life so well that we can discern and assess the values they convey.
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Anger, hope, and juries by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Jury Duty

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The jury system is a good one, but not infallible. Variables other than facts in the case can sway jurors.
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Moment of the Mauerfall by
(49 Stories)

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The timing of a mistaken announcement, confusion at a checkpoint, and the will of a people to seek freedom spelled the end of the Berlin Wall.
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