Think back about …

Acquired Tastes

As a kid, were you told that some of the foods you refused to eat were “acquired tastes?” Later, did you find that you liked them? Beyond the broccoli on your plate, have you found that you've grown to like or even love other once-unsavory slices of life? Think back to Acquired Tastes and share forward!

Stories on This Week's Writing Prompt

Acquired Tastes: A Conspiracy by the Bland & Nasty Tasting Food Lobby
    Right, acquired tastes, my ar*e. You know what they’re really saying, don’t you? “This stuff is grim, but we [...]
Spice of Life
My father was always a bit of a food adventurist.  He liked vinegar on broccoli, Brussels sprouts and spinach, and potato [...]
Washed Apple
Washed Apple My father was a wonderful guy and I’ve shared many loving memories of him.  (See My Father, the Outsider Artist, [...]
The Sweeter the Wine
The Sweeter the Wine Wine was not exactly an acquired taste of mine,  but rather a delayed one.   For years I was a [...]
What We Didn’t Eat
Half of what’s in our fridge today, I hadn’t even heard of in 1965!

New Stories on Old Prompts

Check out the list of past prompts for inspiration.

Past Stories You May Have Missed

The Return of Hair
Imagine his mortification when the performers assemble on stage completely naked.
Prompted By Hair
November 30, 2016
The beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my hair
The musical Hair opened on Broadway in April 1968, and I saw it some time that spring with my friend Amy, who lived in [...]
Prompted By Hair
November 30, 2016

Think back about …

Acquired Tastes

As a kid, were you told that some of the foods you refused to eat were “acquired tastes?” Later, did you find that you liked them? Beyond the broccoli on your plate, have you found that you've grown to like or even love other once-unsavory slices of life? Think back to Acquired Tastes and share forward!

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