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She never said much directly but she exemplified values that I carry with me.  She was a single parent in the early 1950’s.  She was a working mother when no other mothers (I knew) worked outside the house.  No car?  Take buses when they were segregated and we were the only white people on board.

Hard work; independence of thought and spirit; making do with what you have; and being committed to supporting others socially and politically. Core values that are with me every day.

Profile photo of mraberns mraberns

Characterizations: moving, well written


  1. Marian says:

    Your mother broke new ground for the 1950s, and I’m glad you have adopted her values. Very encouraging.

  2. Thank you for sharing your mother’s core values taught to you by her example if not by her words.

    In a few sentences you’ve painted a picture of the strong and admirable woman who raised you!

  3. Suzy says:

    I like this succinct list of what you learned from your mother. It would be great if you gave your story a title.

  4. Laurie Levy says:

    Hats off to your mother, a woman ahead of her times.

  5. Khati Hendry says:

    So much captured in a couple of paragraphs! It sounds like your mother was a real treasure, who taught by example and made her (and your) way in the world against adversity. She is clearly still a deep part of you, and you honor her memory.

  6. Betsy Pfau says:

    A great list of core values set by your mother, adopted by you. She sounds like a strong woman and a great role model.

  7. The most powerful kind of advice of all: setting an example. In this case, an example that one can follow with pride.

  8. Dave Ventre says:

    So much was said in so few words!

    This has been an interesting prompt; a lot of us here on Retrospect seem to have been raised by parents with similar values, and in some cases, flaws.

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