Munro by
(333 Stories)

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Munro – Germany 1945 


Our son’s middle name is Munro.  It’s a Scottish name and a bit unusual for an American kid,  but it’s in keeping with the Jewish tradition of naming a child for someone beloved who has passed away.  In fact the Munro we knew had been a mentor to my husband Danny,  and an important presence during a special time in both our lives.

Early in his business career Danny had the chance to work in his company’s London office,  and so we sublet our apartment,  backed our bags,  and off we went.   (See Valentine’s Day in Foggytown,  Kinky Boots,  Laundry Day in LondonIntro to CookeryTaking the High Road,  and British Summer Time)

Bringing our cat Smokey with us however would have meant a six-month quarantine,  and so we left him with my mother-in-law.   We really missed Smokey,  and when Danny met his London colleague Munro he was pleased to find a fellow cat-lover as Munro fed the strays on a rooftop at their office in the City.

Munro was a wonderfully warm and funny guy who took us two young Americans under his wing.   Shortly after we arrived he invited us to Sunday lunch with his wife Mary and their five kids – and of course we met the family cat Bubbles who had just had a litter of kittens!


From then on we spent many lovely hours with Mary and Munro and shared lots of laughs.   Once Mary was berating her husband for neglecting his teeth.

”OK Mary,”.  Munro said to finally placate her,  “make a dental appointment for me.“

“ I will when I can find a new dentist,”  said Mary,  “ as I’m sorry to tell you dear that our old dentist has passed away.”

”You see ,” said Munro,  “a lot of good his good teeth did HIM!”

Munro served as a Major and a tank commander during WW II.  Once a piece of shrapnel came through a slit in his tank and hit him on the left side of his chest.  Luckily by habit Munro kept a metal ruler in his left breast pocket and altho the shrapnel ripped off his shirt pocket,  Munro was unscathed!

Of course our son never met his namesake,  but over the years he’s heard all our Munro stories,  and we all visit Mary and her family as often as we can.

This year Mary turns 100 and we send her our love and very best wishes.  She and Munro are ever in our hearts!

Mary and Munro’s Wedding Day 1953

Mary – Chobham, Surrey 2019 

– Dane Susan Lehrman 

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: Mentors, Family


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    Wonderful story of an excellent friend and mentor, Dana. So glad you’ve stayed in touch with Mary. Send her our best wishes on her 100th. Glad we’ve been introduced.

  2. pattyv says:

    Dana, you’ve led such an interesting life. I loved reading about Munro and getting a glimpse of Danny & you in London. Such a short story but filled with details. Your son’s middle name, feeding the strays on the roof, teeth, Munro’s driving license, and Mary. Looking forward to reading your other stories.

  3. Khati Hendry says:

    Lovely story about a beloved couple—and their cats! I think Mary, at 100, would now qualify for her congratulatory letter from the Queen—er, King—for the occasion. So good you have kept connected all these years, and kept the memories strong too.

  4. Jim Willis says:

    Dana, it sure sounds like your son’s middle name was well-deserved: Munro sounds like a wonderful man and how lucky you and Danny were to have him and Mary as mentors in your young lives! I enjoyed reading about this man and his loving wife and what they meant to you.

  5. Risa Nye says:

    Dana, I love stories like this! What a special friendship you had, and continue to have with Mary! Please add my best wishes to her on her 100th birthday!

  6. Having a friend turning 100 seems a bit like having a private window into the past. I enjoyed meeting Munro, and especially rhe story of the metal ruler in his pocket. Of such delicate but durable fragments are crafted our life’s hopes and dreams, aren’t they?

  7. John Shutkin says:

    What a lovely story, Dana, and how perfect you middle named your son “Munro.” (I got stuck with “Arthur” for a grandfather I never met.) Indeed, the story even made me a bit more favorably disposed towards cats. A bit.

    And so wonderful that you still keep up with Mary. May you continue to be able to do so for her next 100 years.

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