On Turning 75 by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Special Birthdays

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Although mindful of the saying that too many birthdays will kill you, I recently celebrated 75 years on this earth.  Which can be viewed from two perspectives.  Looking back, that I have lived through, successfully completed, three quarters of 25 years each.  Or, looking forward, that I am now starting my fourth quarter during which, most probably, I will come to the end of the game.

I entered adulthood when the adage was “Don’t trust anyone over 30”.  So, 75 years old was an unrelatable level of anciency; more even than the three score and ten allotted to us in the bible.  Today I view 75 as still fairly young although I got here much faster than I ever imagined possible. Which leads me to ponder how many more birthdays will I celebrate before they actually do kill me?  And, in what condition?  Will I be enjoying my quality of life in this quarter or enduring it?

For a few years ago I joined a memoirs writing group for which I have written almost 150 stories; recollections of life; stories of work, childhood, family and, only occasionally, attempts to wax philosophically about life or to pass along what I hoped qualified as wisdom acquired over those many years.  I have now written all the stories I can think of which conform with Ben Franklin’s admonition to “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”  I hope whoever reads them will find some to be interesting or funny or revealing of a truth about life or even explain, to some extent, who I am and how that “me” was formed.  I suppose I will not truly be finished writing memoirs until my obituary which, my wife insists, I write myself.  The only flaw in her request is that I will not be here to report how it all ends.

Regardless, now it is time to leave the past behind me.  It is time to look to the future.  What now, I ask?  How do I fill the years left to me in this final quarter?  I have long joked I hoped to be able to simply sit up and feed myself if I ever made it to 70.  Members of my memoirs class, who share my advanced age, with some even more “senior”, have shown me it is possible to remain mentally sharp, retain one’s memory and still able to practice life-skills such as writing, all while being physically active well into their 80’s and beyond.  They are my role models.

So, what is ahead?  There are grandchildren to watch grow into adulthood, begin careers, marry – or not – but hopefully to provide the gift of great grandchildren.  There are trips to take, friends and family to interact with; to support and to be supported by them.  It is time to slow down, to take the time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life; reengage a neglected hobby, maybe volunteer, take walks in the park or simply enjoy a meal or glass of wine.  There is no longer any need to either rush into or past these things.

My mother-in-law always said, when trying to decide whether or not to do something or go somewhere, that one should decide to “Make a memory”; a double benefit creating both a memory for yourself while providing something worth writing as a memoir for your posterity – if they ever become curious enough to want to learn whatever happened to this old guy to make him how he is, or was.

I don’t know what the future holds nor how or when it will end.  Neither do I know how to end this little story, so, just let me ask you to wish me luck!

Profile photo of Mike Repucci Mike Repucci

Characterizations: well written


  1. Suzy says:

    Mike, welcome back after another two-year hiatus — it’s nice that you always return, sooner or later. Interesting thoughts about the “fourth quarter” of life, which we are all approaching if not there yet. Hope you’ll keep sharing your stories with us.

  2. Khati Hendry says:

    Hi Mike, what an upbeat view to the future. I love the advice to go make memories (especially good when made together with someone else) and I predict you have some good ones ahead.

  3. Marian says:

    Inspiring story, Mike, and very true about remaining active and engaged. With my mom still in good shape at 94, I need to be future focused.

  4. Wishing you good luck Mike!
    It’s indeed amazing how young we can feel in our late 70s, where did the years go?!?

    Hopefully more Retro prompts will evoke more memories, and we’ll hear more stories from you!

  5. Betsy Pfau says:

    So nice to read a story from you again, Mike. And congratulations on your big birthday! 75 (or 3/4 of a century) is worth celebrating. Being in a memoir writing group is great. I wish you’d share some of that writing with us. There used to be a “write what you want” prompt (I haven’t checked lately to see if it is still there), but you could use that to share some of the other writing you are doing with us. In truth, we are all writing some form of memoir here as well, so we’d be curious to hear what you have to say.

    I do love your opening line: that too many birthdays will kill you! Can’t argue with that. Meanwhile, celebrate each day and keep writing and sharing.

  6. The day after watching the Celtics frustratingly fail to live up to their potential and fall to the Warriors in NBA basketball is a difficult time to hear anything about the “fourth quarter!” But I do wish you all the best in yours. This seemed like a meta-story: not telling us a particular story but telling us about the stories you have told in the past and reflecting on what it means to do that, or perhaps to be done with that. Your reflections give me a lot to think about! And that’s a compliment, although perhaps I’d be happier just analyzing the failure of the Celtics Big Men to box out and prevent all those offensive rebounds.

  7. Susan Bennet says:

    I love your positive take, Mike. I always make it a point now to get teens and twenties aside and tell them, “You won’t feel any different inside, you know.” They seem pleased to hear it.

  8. Thank you for reminding me that the future holds many good experiences and memories in the making. In the past few years my head has spent too much time in the exorcist swivel, looking back and looking forward, trying to figure my future self based on my past self. I like my past self but the future should be different and equally satisfying. Your quote from Ben Franklin is an excellent way to live in our 4th quarter.

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