Snow Day by
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Snow Day

Kids love snow days when the schools are closed,  and so do we teachers.

One winter a few years ago we had lots of snow and every night we eagerly watched the weather report for the listing of school closures

When we did have a snow day my colleague Doug decided to spend it bingeing on some movies he had taped.  He watched a few,  and when we were back in school a day later he told me he had one more taped movie  – a classic that was a favorite of mine – and he planned to watch it that night.  Knowing I love that film he proposed we discuss it the next day.

And so the next day I sought him out,  but he wasn’t at school.   It seemed he’d watched the movie the night before,  but when it was over the weather report came on and it was announced that a record ten inches of snow was predicted and all the city schools would be closed.   Delighted,  Doug turned off his alarm clock.

What my friend Doug didn’t realize was when he’d made that recording weeks before,  he’d also taped the weather report that came on right after the movie!


Dana Susan Lehrman 

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Characterizations: funny, well written


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    LOVE IT! Yes, that’s a problem.

  2. i’m not sure if that makes him a Schlemiel, a Schlemazel, or a Schmageggi. But it’s a pretty funny situation! Thanks for the story.

  3. Dave Ventre says:

    That is funny, especially as I have also found myself reacting to weather and traffic reports from weeks or months ago!

  4. Good story! Doug got outwitted by his technology. My IPhone got a good chuckle.
    In my long ago youth I was partial to Daylight Savings Time and hostile to moving back to the dark and cold days of Standard Time. One year I kept my bedside clock on Daylight Savings Time, as a protest, as an empowerment, as an indulgence.

  5. My stand against changing my clock was a mere Quixotic gesture, without real (ie, the popularly accepted “real”) impact on my times of arrival and departure. Although I do know someone who was always an hour late for everything in her life, as though she had a built in EDT app. That was, in retrospect, her maladjustment to reality and/or her sincere expression of herself.

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