So Much History by (1 Story)

Prompted By 1968

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This is my first story prompted by Betsy Sarason’s memories of Interlochen (National Music Camp). My parents made me go there even though I liked my old camp, I loved it and they used to remind me “Aren’t you glad we made you go”. Of course my brother Johnny, a talented pianist, had gone there. I was the artist in the family so that was my “major” but I loved dance and operetta more. I loved the atmosphere, the friends I made, being an insider when outsiders from all over the country visited. I even loved the corduroy knickers and knee sox we wore (in the summer). My first year I met Cathy Jaffe, from Long Island, and we became lifelong friends. She would call me in Detroit and ask “Is Mawcy there” and we all knew it was her. She died in 911, which still is unbelievable. We had visited each other many times and had been together a few years before at an “Interlochen” reunion. Very special memories now. Who knew?

Profile photo of Marcy Zussman ianzoeja

Tags: Interlochen
Characterizations: been there


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    I am so pleased that I prompted you to share a memory, Marcy. I didn’t know that your parents ordered you to go to camp. I just remember sitting on the picnic benches near the Melody Freeze with you and Sammy Schatner (was that his name?), your boyfriend from Georgia, a real sweetie. We shared happy times. I remember you were a talented artist, but Operetta was always the best, even when you were a “sprite of earth and air” in “The Sorcerer” my last summer.

  2. John Zussman says:

    How nice that Betsy’s story set off this cascade of memories! I thought I knew you pretty well, but I didn’t know (or didn’t remember) that you performed in operetta and even loved your sweltering knickers. Of course I remember Cathy and (with your help) wrote a story about her. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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