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A Twice-Told Tale by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By Lightning

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I could no longer feel my cold hands and had to visually place them on holds.
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“Round up the usual suspects.” by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By Rewatchable Movies

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No matter how many times I’ve watched it, I am still left wondering who did what when in Rashomon.
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1968: From the Reactionary South to the Revolutionary West by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By 1968

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“You say you want a revolution...we all want to change the world,” sing the Beatles.
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Where Are We? by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By The Twilight Zone

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" escape this deepening Twilight Zone of thoughtless reacting to an imaginary world of maufactured facts."
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Larger and larger tribes by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By Faith

/ Stories is also comforting to believe that consciousness does not end with physical death.
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Blue Bug by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By My First Car

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…the waves reaching up the beach and pulling my sleeping bag with me in it out to sea.
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With God on Their Side by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By 9/11

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"...the faithful will fight forever, no matter the cost."
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Retreat, Isolate, and Shut Down by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By Illness

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...with isolation and aloneness as the only relief.
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Once and Only Once by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By What We Watched

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...we raced out of the room so as not to be the last one left....
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The Hero with a Thousand Faces by
(11 Stories)

Prompted By Toys & Games

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"I spent much of my childhood as someone else."
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