Travel at last! by (3 Stories)

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I didn’t start traveling until I was in my 30’s, and by the by the time I had enough money to travel, I had children, so everything got delayed!  I did fit in a trip to France while pregnant and visits with one young child to the Costa del Sol, but 2 more children made it difficult and expensive!  Now that I am retired, I am trying to travel every year.

I feel that the world is open to me.

And by the time I had the time and money, I had two obstacles: no significant other to travel and a serious food allergy condition.  But this does not stop me!

As a single woman it is difficult to find a travel companion. I am very lucky to have a close friend who also loves to travel, can afford what I can, likes the same level of luxury [or not] and with whom I get along fabulously on vacation!  If only she were fully retired too.

About traveling with food allergies, it can be done!  I have celiac disease and have  made it happen.  Of course, you have to be very careful [I carry cards that explain it in the country’s language] and sometimes you get “glutened,” but I am happy to say that it does not have to stop you.

I heartily recommend a PA company, Gate1 Travel that has unbelievable pricing and great service on tours.  Used their tour to Peru with my adult daughter 2 years ago.  Just had a fabulous time in Thailand and Cambodia [we need 3-4 more days in the future to do Angor Wat justice] and I can honestly say it was the first time that, as I came through US passport control, I wanted to be back there for more!

Next year a river cruise from Budapest from Prague.  My father’s family was all Hungarian, so it will be nice to be there.

I feel that the world is open to me.


Profile photo of Marci Marci

Characterizations: been there, right on!


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    Sounds like some great plans ahead. I’d like to go to some of those places as well.

  2. John Zussman says:

    Your story just triggered my wanderlust! Kudos for fulfilling your travel dreams despite the obstacles.

  3. Suzy says:

    Good for you for traveling despite the obstacles you mention. I’m sure you will love Prague, it’s one of my favorite cities.

  4. gzussman1 says:

    Love that you are traveling these days – love that you are enjoying it

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