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A Children’s Book for Mom by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Children's Books

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I ended up buying five copies of the book, so I’d always have one on hand in case I needed a good cry.
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The Gift to Be Simple by
(13 Stories)

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Did that woman know how her simple act of kindness turned our entire situation around?
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Better Call Cathy . . . by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Final Farewell

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"As soon as your brother passes," Cathy said, "you call me up, and I’ll take good care of him." I’d noticed that the hospice people also talked in a matter-of-fact way about his death. “When he passes, you’ll have to do x and y,” they’d say, as if he were going on a two-week vacation. It was strangely comforting, as if this were the natural next step and not something to be dreaded.
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Hyper-lucky by
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Prompted By Chance Encounters

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Although there are many authorities in the field of autism, the two individuals who helped me the most were parents, who just happened to be there at the right time.
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Playing the Numbers Game by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Superstition

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Superstitions are heightened during stressful times, for example, when expecting a child.
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On Nicknames and Wearing Black at Funerals by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Nicknames

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To this day, I still have an array of non-names for my children.
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Into the Abyss by
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Prompted By Caregiving

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There is no future reward after caring for an elderly person. Our best efforts end in death.
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What Retirement? by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Retirement

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Don't regret having to retire. Some are denied the privilege.
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That other photograph by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Woodstock

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Woodstock Sally and friends
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Sally’s authentic Woodstock photos and more by
(13 Stories)

Prompted By Woodstock

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Woodstock, the original, and re-created
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