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Beauty; Where Shall One Look To Find It? by
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The cockatiel had known all along, what the parrot had been searching for so intently wasn’t on the outside amongst the brightly colored feathers at all…. It was on the inside all along.
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Shopping For Eternal Love by
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"Bartender, drinks on the house for the entire castle!"
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I Know You’re Here Somewhere by
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Prompted By Pets

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A beautiful green-headed hummingbird has landed on a branch beside one of your bones.
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Meant For Our Eyes Only by
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Prompted By New Beginnings

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I stood there in the heavy underbrush with tears in my eyes and a broken heart....
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What In The Hell Are Taxes! by
(22 Stories)

Prompted By My First Paycheck

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“Excuse me… there seems to be a mistake on my paycheck. A big mistake.”
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What Do We Do Now by
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I remember watching as the husband and wife quietly looked inside that envelope, and saw they had tears in their eyes as he said, "We don't know what to say. I am embarrassed and ashamed that I have put my family through this.“
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You Light Up My Life by
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Prompted By Hair

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When we first think of hair, we assume the reference is to that which is on our head but in reality that’s not always the case. It was about 1971 and I had just asked a beautiful Stanford student out on a date. To tell the truth, I never thought in a million years she would…
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Who’s Listening by
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“Will someone tell that guy we’re trying to eat and that I’ll buy him a drink if he’ll shut the hell up!”
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Making A Fashion Statement When On Holiday by
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By the time I got back to sunny California I was dressed like someone who was colorblind and had been given a gift certificate to a goodwill clothing store that was going out of business.
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Rain Drops On The Trout Pond by
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  I was watching the tiny rain drops sprinkle the surface of the water on the swimming pool this afternoon and all of a sudden I was whisked away to a day when I was 12 years old standing alone in some green rubber rain gear by a small lake my father built for me.…
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The Fork In The Road by
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Prompted By The Road Not Taken

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Years ago, while visiting my sister, one Sunday I went to church with her and her family. I remember the pastor delivering his thoughts about how many times in our lives we are faced with choices. Choices which cause us to make decisions as to what path in life we might choose to take and…
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Pussy willow on Two-Mile by
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Prompted By Father's Day

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It was a brisk morning as I tagged along with him on our way down the hill towards the barn. There was still a light amount of morning dew glistening in the sun like little stars on the green pasture. I could see where the cattle had walked from their tracks left in the dew…
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Some Memories Are Best Left In Closets by
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  Closets…. Funny topic in that something so mundane as a place where one hangs clothes, stores shoes and accessories, could be worthy of a story let alone a memory.   That said, my mother’s closet held many such stories and memories. Like all mothers, knowing early on that in this case, her little boy…
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Two For The Price Of One by
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Prompted By Big Fan

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  My best friend Nate Singelton, a wide receiver for the 49rs and I use to run around together a lot and are more like brothers than friends. One weekend after getting back from the driving range Nate asked me if I had a baseball mitt he could use. I asked, “Why in the world…
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Looks Aren’t Everything by
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Prompted By Cooking

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I have some cherished stories from the times that my Mom took vacations to go back east to visit family leaving my father and I home to fend for ourselves. One time while she was gone it was my job to cook for dad when he got home from work. I enjoyed it and it…
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We Serve Love In It by
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Prompted By What We Ate

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Indeed, we are what we eat but I believe it’s not always about what we eat but how our meals come to be. More specifically, how they were served. Like so many other children growing up in Oregon I was use to the cold winter storms. Playing out in the rain wasn’t the least bit…
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Hankies and Goodbyes by
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Prompted By Parenthood

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“Well, I suppose I better hit the road. It’s a long drive home and I have work and classes tomorrow.”  There was a time when I used to wonder why those words caused my mother to cry. The reaction then required more words as if they had somehow created a chain reaction. “Please don’t cry…
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The Day We Start To Die by
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Each day I go to the convalescent home and walk in and see him sitting there and I am the ONLY person there that knows he was an amazing, genius of a man, one who had worked as hard as any successful man could and one that raised a family, he was the most loving husband a woman could know and a man that cared about all living things and made sure nobody ever needed and now there he sits with Alzheimer’s.
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Do You See The Darkness Or The Light by
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Personally I feel what most people consider a disaster in reality is quite the contraire. Not at all unlike the way most people see events in life, so many seem to see the dark side of so much instead of the light on the other side. This is the way man has survived countless centuries.…
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How NOT To Meet The Gal Of Your Dreams by
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In the early 70’s when I first came to Palo Alto California to attend school my parents offered to help with my living expenses. I thought I had a handle on getting off to a great start when I convinced my parents that rent was considerably higher in Palo Alto than it was in the…
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They Waited On The Beach by
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Many years ago when I was a very young man, I was in Mexico fulfilling what was then one of my greatest bucket list dreams; trying to catch a giant Marlin. As a boy, many times while laying in the tall cool green grass waiting for a Rainbow trout to take my bait I closed…
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Crossing One Off The Bucket List by
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As far back as I can remember I dreamed of traveling. There were so many places I wished to see. The term “bucket list” had not yet even been thought of but had it been, I would have needed a “bucket wheelbarrow”. Over the years I have been blessed to have traveled to many places…
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